Vulgarisms: A vulgarism is a word, phrase, or expression that is considered crude, offensive, or impolite, often containing strong language, explicit content, or references to taboo subjects.
Vulgarisms are generally not appropriate in formal or polite language and can be offensive to some people. They are often used to express strong emotions, frustration, anger, or emphasis, but they can also be disrespectful or inappropriate in certain contexts.

For example: “Man, that guy is always such a jerk to everyone.”
In the context of language analysis and literary scrutiny, a vulgarism denotes an expression or linguistic usage that is regarded as deviating from established standards and often associated with unsophisticated or uneducated speech and writing. This term encompasses language deviations that may involve non-conventional grammar, colloquialisms, or informal phrases, differing from the refined norms often upheld in literature and formal communication.
For example: “Me and him, we ain’t going to the party.”
In this phrase, the use of “Me and him” instead of the standard “He and I” and the contraction “ain’t” are examples of vulgarisms. These linguistic choices are characteristic of non-standard or colloquial speech, and they deviate from the formal grammatical norms typically adhered to in writing or formal communication.

Vulgarisms are often associated with colloquial or informal speech and may involve slang, swear words, or expressions that are considered inappropriate or impolite in more formal settings. Studying vulgarisms can provide insights into social and cultural aspects of language use and the dynamics between linguistic variation and societal norms.
Examples of Vulgarisms
Below are one hundred examples of vulgarisms, along with their correct expressions explained in parentheses.
- Wanna (want to)
- Gonna (going to)
- Ain’t (am not / is not / are not)
- Y’all (you all)
- Lemme (let me)
- Kinda (kind of)
- Sorta (sort of)
- Gotta (got to)
- Shoulda (should have)
- Coulda (could have)
- Woulda (would have)
- Hafta (have to)
- Oughta (ought to)
- Gimme (give me)
- Gimmie (give me)
- Gotta (have got to)
- Lotta (a lot of)
- Betcha (bet you)
- Wanna (want to)
- Dunno (don’t know)
- Gimmick (a trick or device)
- Hella (very / a lot)
- Freakin’ (freaking)
- Frickin’ (fricking)
- Flippin’ (flipping)
- Darn (damn)
- Heck (hell)
- Fudge (fuck)
- Shoot (shit)
- Crap (shit)
- Dang (damn)
- Jeez (Jesus)
- Gosh (God)
- Golly (God)
- Gosh darn it (God damn it)
- Son of a gun (son of a bitch)
- Mother trucker (motherfucker)
- Fudge nuggets (fuck)
- Bullcrap (bullshit)
- Holy cow (holy shit)
- What the heck (what the hell)
- Shut the front door (shut the fuck up)
- Sugar (shit)
- Darn it all to heck (damn it all to hell)
- Effin’ (fucking)
- Son of a biscuit (son of a bitch)
- Flippin’ heck (freaking hell)
- Oh my gosh (oh my God)
- Fudge muffins (fuck)
- Geez Louise (Jesus)
- Dagnabbit (damn it)
- For crying out loud (for Christ’s sake)
- What in tarnation (what the hell)
- Criminy (Christ)
- Cheese and rice (Jesus Christ)
- Holy moly (holy shit)
- Shut your pie hole (shut up)
- Horse feathers (nonsense)
- Gee willikers (Jesus)
- Hooey (nonsense)
- Baloney (nonsense)
- Dingus (fool)
- Nonsense (bullshit)
- Nuts (crazy)
- Cuckoo (crazy)
- Bunk (nonsense)
- Hogwash (nonsense)
- Malarkey (nonsense)
- B.S. (bullshit)
- Poppycock (nonsense)
- Tomfoolery (silliness)
- Pish posh (nonsense)
- Hocus pocus (magic)
- Skedaddle (run away)
- Nincompoop (fool)
- Lollygag (waste time)
- Fiddlesticks (nonsense)
- Ballyhoo (commotion)
- Codswallop (nonsense)
- Brouhaha (uproar)
- Humbug (nonsense)
- Higgledy-piggledy (disorder)
- Rigmarole (complex procedure)
- Poppycock (nonsense)
- Flibbertigibbet (flighty person)
- Blatherskite (foolish talk)
- Gobbledygook (nonsense)
- Kerfuffle (disturbance)
- Hullabaloo (uproar)
- Fopdoodle (foolish person)
- Bumfuzzle (confuse)
- Snollygoster (unprincipled person)
- Collywobbles (butterflies in stomach)
- Flummox (bewilder)
- Folderol (nonsense)
- Whippersnapper (youngster)
- Waffle (ramble)
- Gobsmacked (astonished)
- Hapless (unfortunate)
- Quizzaciously (in a mocking manner)